woensdag 9 november 2011

Claimed By The Highlander by Julianne Maclean

Chapter One                       Chapter Nine & Ten

Chapter Two                      Chapter Eleven & Twelve

Chapter Three                    Chapter Thirteen & Fourteen

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven & Eight                                

                                           Chapter Fifteen

Gwendolen lay in bed in the darkness, waiting for Angus. For a fortnight, she had seen very little of him. Not only did he continue to investigate the failed attempt on his life and sometimes left the castle for hours on end to scout the surrounding forests and glens he also worked with his army in the bailey to improve their fighting skills.

dinsdag 8 november 2011

Claimed By The Highlander By Julianne Maclean

Chapter One                   Chapter Nine & Ten

Chapter Two                  Chapter Eleven & Twelve

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven & Eight                                      

                                                      Chapter Thirteen
On her way to the solar one afternoon, Onora rounded a corner in one of the vaulted passageways and collided unexpectedly with Lachlan MacDonald.
"Well, well, well," she purred, taking hold of his tartan and pulling him into the shadows of an alcove. He followed her up against the wall and rested an arm over her head.
"Have you been following me, Mrs. MacEwen?" he asked. His eyes were playful, his voice seductive, and she quivered with pent-up desire.

Claimed by the Highlander By Julianne Maclean

Chapter One                 Chapter Nine & Ten

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six   

Chapter Seven & Eight

                                                  Chapter Eleven
Four days later, after speaking vows before God in the chapel and pledging herself, body and soul, to the leader who had conquered her clan, stolen her home, and claimed her as his bride, Gwendolen followed Angus into his bedchamber.

woensdag 19 oktober 2011

Claimed by the Highlander by Julianne Maclean

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven & Eight

                                                               Chapter Nine
Construction of the new gate began the following day in the open bailey, the clansmen pounding away with their hammers, and groaning as they raised heavy planks under the warm sun. Gwendolen worked hard from the kitchen, supervising the luncheon preparations, for the men required their sustenance.

dinsdag 18 oktober 2011

Cliamed by the Highlander by Julianne Maclean


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five
Chapter Six

                                                        Chapter Seven
The next morning, Gwendolen woke to bright sunshine beaming in through her window. It was no surprise that she had slept late, for she'd been awake half the night recovering from Angus's presence in her bed, and all the different ways he had touched her, and the shock of how pliant she'd become in his arms. It was quite a stroke of luck that he had left the room when he did, otherwise she might very well be an experienced woman this morning.

maandag 17 oktober 2011

Claimed by the Highlander by Julianne Maclean


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

                                               Chapter Six
Gwendolen fought to suppress her alarm. "You promised to leave me alone until our wedding night. Please go."
"Nay, I promised to let you stay a virgin. I didn't promise to leave you alone. I'm here now, and I am staying, whether you like it or not."
She frowned. "If I am to be your wife, you could at least
try to win my affections."
"I have no interest in your affections, lass. That's the last thing I want from you."
He truly was a heartless man, interested in only one thing power over others. And perhaps a little debauchery on the side.

donderdag 13 oktober 2011

Claimed by the Highlander by Julianne Maclean


     Chapter One

     Chapter Two                                                 

     Chapter Three

     Chapter Four

                                                           Chapter Five

Gwendolen looked down at the bowl of soup that was placed before her, and breathed in the rich, steaming aroma of meat, swimming in a thick, seasoned broth. In the center of the table, a whole roast pig, golden and crisp, rested on a platter, waiting to be sliced and devoured. She gazed around despondently at the urns of fruit, the shiny candelabras, and all the servants moving about the hall with trays of food, and felt a pounding chaos inside her head that simply would not die.